Project Code: ZW-202103

Zero Waste for Sustainable Cities

LaDade Kotopon Municipal Assembly , Ghana


Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO)

Target Outcomes

GAYO’s Zero Waste Project was inspired by the Sustainable Community Project (SCP) in the Adansi South District of Ghana, a first community-led Zero Waste project in the country that is currently creating value from waste. This project has created green jobs, built the capacity of informal waste pickers, and reduced waste from landfills. Following the success of the Zero Waste Project in Adansi South, this proposal intends to scale this project to areas within the city. This scaling-up project aims to:

  • Recover 40 tons of plastics (bottles and sachet) per month from the community.
  • Produce 6000 kg of compost monthly with 8000kg of organic waste from the communities.
  • Establish 10 private public partnerships with key players in the waste recovery sector to scale their businesses.
  • Register 300 waste workers and provide identification cards for recognition.
  • Provide capacity building and training for the waste workers to enhance their work.
  • Liaise with Media Agencies to help in promoting segregation and reduction at home.

Major Activities

  • Consultative meetings for establishing project partnerships.
  • Building data of waste workers and accessing opportunities and gaps for Zero Waste.
  • Community profiling, education, and development.
  • Establishment of a Material Recovery Facility to serve as a common ground for key actors.
  • Capacity-building and provision of protective equipment for waste workers.

Project Cost

USD 50,000.00

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